Contract Cleaning Services You Can Trust

What contract cleaning services are you looking for?

You’ll never get a second first impression. That’s why our contract cleaning services are dedicated to creating a spotless environment for your properties and environments. With decades of experience, NJC delivers tailored cleaning solutions that meet your specific needs. 

We combine expertise with a personal touch to deliver thorough, dependable cleaning services.
Ensure your interior is spotless. Our routine and everyday cleaning ensures that your residential, commercial or educational space is clean and tidy every single day. Our interior contract cleaning services also include periodic cleaning, as well as specialist deep cleaning.
Make your exterior sparkle. Our team of exterior cleaning specialists offer window cleaning, façade cleaning, and gutter cleaning for large businesses and commercial properties across the UK.
Specialist cleaning

Looking for something specific? With a specialist, trained team, we can offer specialist cleaning for a broad range of cleaning needs.

Find out more
NJC are a committed and high-performing supplier in the cleaning and FM industry. Their expertise, flexibility, and customer service have made them a valuable asset to our team at Wembley Park. They are a pleasure to work with and I would recommend them to any residential/commercial operator seeking FM/cleaning services.
NJC have been a part of Oxford for many years and have always delivered a great service. They go above and beyond, and their cleaners have excellent attention to detail. Both the cleaning and management team here at Oxford are always so friendly and if we ever have any queries, there is someone there to help. I’m sure NJC will be here for many years to come!
I just wanted to share a quick note about the great service I have received from Not Just Cleaning. I'm glad I decided to work with you. It's great how easy the transition has been and the there is always someone helpful and friendly at the end of the phone.

Ready to transform your space?

Our team are here to help with any questions about our contract cleaning services, and to show where NJC can add real value to your company. So why not get in touch via chat, our online form or call us on 0345 395 1000 and one of our sales team will be happy to assist.